There may be one predominant indicator or a group of almost subclinical indicators which travel under the radar that can indicate chronic fatigue syndrome. Chronic fatigue syndrome is not a disease entity, but rather a constellation of symptoms of varying magnitude that are caused by many different medical imbalances, clotting defects, and immune deficiencies. The most predominant symptoms that indicate CFS or profound fatigue include major sleep deprivation and body pain.
If you believe you may be suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome and are looking toward treatment, contact a doctor to discuss the various treatment options available as soon as possible.
Common Indicators
The most common indicator of chronic fatigue syndrome is infectious disease which can be viral or bacterial. Bacterial infections include Lyme disease along with co-infections such as Ehrlichiosis, Babesia, and Bartonella. Mycoplasma infection, yeast and viruses such as Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalovirus and herpes 6 (HHV6) all chronically suppress the immune system and may require long-term antibiotic or antiviral therapy. On occasion, influenza virus and mononucleosis can be a precipitating factor.
When searching for any indication of chronic fatigue syndrome, a doctor can start with many divergent symptoms all occurring at the same time, or can start slowly with only one or two issues such as progressive sleep deprivation or persistent joint pain. CFS is a multifactorial problem that is complex and extremely difficult to diagnose. A medical professional needs to consider the diagnosis, otherwise, it could easily be bypassed. If one understands the causes of CFS, it makes the diagnosis and resolution of symptoms attainable.
Just as people express disabilities in infections differently depending upon their body composition, immune competence, and even mental outlook, so too is a response to CFS. Some people are overwhelmed by symptoms to the point that they cannot function on a day-to-day basis without medical support. On the other end of the spectrum, despite the same expression of indicators, other people are able to live a more normal lifestyle.
CFS indicators can last for years and be of varying intensity, or with proper attention and treatment can virtually resolve completely. An example would be a patient whose symptoms are due to a blood clotting disorder that does not allow for the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the environments the body cells. In essence, there is a slow suffocation of the body cells. Once identified and treated, a full resolution of symptoms can be expected.
Severity of Symptoms
How CFS presents itself is dependent upon the initial provocation. A major infectious or traumatic event can precipitate a host of symptoms caused by dysfunction of different organ systems. The immune system may be under attack by a viral infection the subsequent imbalance of hormones followed by the lack of energy production by mitochondria.
On the other hand, chronic stress or nutritional deficiency can impact neurotransmitters in the brain and their effect upon the adrenal glands production of cortisol, and can take months to produce indicators of CFS. No matter what the cause, chronic fatigue syndrome can have a major impact upon productivity, interpersonal relationships with a spouse, children, and friends, and may ultimately precipitate a major depression.
Common Misconceptions
The most significant misconception regarding CFS is that it is the diagnosis and not the syndrome, and that since there is a cause there is a single cure. This concept has been perpetuated by many print ad and television commercials suggesting that specific pharmaceuticals such as Lyrica and Cymbalta will effectively treat CFS. In fact, they only address the muscular aches and joint pains but none of the other symptoms are causes. They have a fairly large number of side effects and are costly as well.